my carrd !

oooooooooooooooooooo x


22 y/o, multifandom artist that is a white system

DNI! basic dni crit (racists, lgbtq+phobia, anti-sem, etc), proship/poppytwt/map/zoo (overall weird shit likers dni), invalidate any neo/xeno gender/pronouns, endo systems, thinking you can dictate my space, mspec-gays/lesbians, venting to me w/o asking
BYF! i say slurs i can reclaim, i got adhd & autism respectively, if i do something wrong/stupid tell me, may relapse at any moment, not good at responding to people, let me know if you need anything tagged

YES! coronation day romhack, regretevator, horrorbrews, homestuck, phighting, dsaf, mario talk in general, talking to my friends, drawing & writing respectively, selfshipping, steak, the color yellow, learning new things

NO! bugs, pressure to finishing things, creeps, anyone that fits in my dni idfk, flirting w me unpromptly, treating my alters like characters

FAVS! metal/diablo, luigi/emmet, will, ollie, pannie, scarlett, layla, inferno, vix, sabo/mach, veigar/kapi, frazz, ellis, lulu, snart, athan, rody/kel, riley, alice, veronica, scoutman, elliot, hyper, wick, hostful chaos, springshady